Tuesday, January 6, 2009

ahh another day done!

Just another day in our home. Busy, Busy....
get Aiden off to school, make a few phone calls, pack Regan's stuff,
take the girls to my gym, back home for lunch, clean the master bedroom,
pick up kids from school, get Aiden and Sheriden to ice skating,
back home for dinner and then begin bed time for all..

Well almost all...
Mommy and Daddy left with a days worth of kitchen mess.
Complete with dog debris on the floor.
Man what a mess, I was so happy the dish washer was empty.
Now if I can get a few hours shut eye I will be doing good.


Granma said...

And this is a typical day in Pam’s life. Great job. Super women!!!!

The Doane Home said...

Does Aiden have a new bed, it looks different.

MAEE said...

Loving the new project!