Monday, January 5, 2009

Aiden's morning clock

just like every house ours you here Aiden you need to... about 100 time on morning that there are school. Here is my solution. "Aiden's AM School Clock" I took the face of the clock and scanned it, then used my scrap booking software to put the translucent pie shaped colors on it then printed it out on Card stock, cut, then reassembled. Now I just leave it up to him, no more nagging just hay did you see your clock? It is a great visual reminder and if he is ready early or when the clock is on the white he can have free time.
In case you wanted to know.
Orange: breakfast
Blue: up stairs stuff, making bed, dressed and teeth
Green: go stuff, shoes, coat, and backpack
White: free time
I love this, I will keep you posted about how it works out long term.


MAEE said...

I have to say you are the cleverest mom I know!

Elizabeth said...

Brilliant! You might be on to something here Pam - I'd get busy doing copyright and marketing research if I were you...