Saturday, July 26, 2008


We went to the MOST yesterday! I have never been, what a blast. We meet up with some of our friends and took Grandpa and David. Everyone had fun. Regan enjoyed looking at all the cool things and crazy people. All the kids liked the Science Playhouse what am I saying all the adults that went also went in and down the crazy slide. It was so much fun.
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Elizabeth said...

The MOST just gets better and better, doesn't it? I didn't think I'd make it down that slide b/c I'm clausterphobic but Jack wouldn't go down by himself, and after I saw all the under-fives taking the plunge, I decided to suck it up. So glad I did!

The Doane Home said...

We loved the Most but never thought to go to it very often. Sheriden's hair is growing out nicely from the haircut Aiden gave her. Cindy's kids sure have grown. You look great Pam, it looks like it was a good day.

Spindler Clan said...

We haven't been there yet either. I am hoping to take the boys maybe this winter when we are looking for something to do indoors. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun!