Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What a day!

Today was good! We were busy but all went well. We had My gym this am and followed that up with a trip to MD’s for lunch with friends, then off to school for Aiden, Regan took a long nap in the afternoon and Sheriden and I made cookies just the girls as she puts it, then off to the playground, Dinner and a nice evening at home. I felt like I was as the top of my mommy game today. All the kids did great, If life could be like this every day! Well Ok not perfact my house was a mess and I have laundry up to my ears but baby steps!


Mandy said...

Glad to see the update! People laughed at me when I said "What's one more?"... but I found out that adding the third child is like adding ten!! You need more arms!! Glad all is well- thank god it gets easier!!

The Doane Home said...

Love this picture....don't you love the look of an extremely exhausted kid sleeping.