Monday, June 16, 2008

Well it has been a long time with no blog update. We are all doing well. There has been a lot going on this last month. I have Post Partum Depression (PPD), I can say that with ease as I know what is going on and we are dealing with it. Wow it was just a big shock to learn what PPD dishes out and how you have to cope with it. I will write more on that topic another time. I took the girls to the Drs. Today for check ups.

Regan has gained 3.5 lbs. (11.5lbs) and grew 3.25” (24.25”) since her 10 day check up.

Sheriden has grown 6.5” (36.5”) and gained 3 lbs (39lbs) over a year. Wow tall I guess that is why we have to buy her new clothing every few months.

Both got a great bill of health. Regan also had 4 shots tonight she is grumpy. Still trying to get her to bed (10:40pm). You know my life when it rains it pours, so we are keep our heads above water for now and hopefully will reach shore soon.

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