Monday, August 4, 2008

Good ol lunch box

What kind of lunch box should you pick? Well I have been stressing over Aiden eating at school as he eats nothing. We (3 kids and I) were taking a casual shopping trip through Wegmans and seen this neat product. When we got home I have to get right on line to learn more. Laptop Lunch is “cool looking” that is what Aiden said.

Trash Talk…Did you know that the average school-aged child using a disposable lunch generates 67 pound of waste per year. That is 18,760 pounds of lunch waste for just one average size elementary school. A disposable lunch what is that? It is a lunch brought in a reusable lunchbox, and or disposable paper and plastic bags. These such lunches contain, foods sealed in plastic bags or single-use packages such as yogurt, disposable juice boxes, water bottles and milk cartons, Plastic forks and spoons and paper napkins. Now you can see how the trash piles up.

This product is made by moms (awesome). You can save money by buying in larger packages and not so many plasice bags. We used these in the car over the weekend and they (of course Sheriden got one as well) could eat as much as they wanted and close it up and save the rest for later. I’m looking forward to sending lunches to school for Aiden that he will eat and I hope to teach him a little more about Nutrition.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Love those! I actually saw something similar at our playgroup yesterday and commented to the mom how neat it was.